
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Essential Presentation Skills - Part 1

Effective communication is essential especially when building rapport with potential clients, the ability to deliver information that achieves maximum impact is a skill that is good to master.

I commonly find when people think presentations they think PowerPoint, however you will find that presenting is so much more than the tool that you decide to use.  

Some fantastic examples of presenters can be found on 

The next few blogs will focus on key points about effective presentations and give some hints & tips on preparing for presentations.

Did you know that of the persuasive power of a presentation:

  • 55% is visual such as body language, display aids, memorable stories
  • 38% is by the speakers’ tone of voice or character of engagement
  • Only 7% by the content, the text on slides for example

Did you know that:
  • 80% of audiences cannot remember 24 hours later what was presented 
  • With strong visual presentations 50% of people can remember 3 days later

Did you know that the retention graph for brains shows:

  • 80% of people remember a grab at the start
  • 75% of people remember a grab at the end
  • 10% of people remember things from the middle bit

Over the next few Blogs we are going to cover steps towards preparing for a presentation:

  1. What is your goal?
  2. Who is your audience?
  3. What is your content and why?
  4. How are you going to close?
  5. How are you going to open?
  6. What will be your memorable visuals?
  7. How will you excite your audience?
  8. What is your rehearsal plan?

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